Reels & Posts

  • Enable Agile Development with Automotive SPICE 4.0

    Thrilled to have immersed in the AgileSPICE Working Group Workshop experienced on 7th and 8th March at Method Park by UL Solutions, Munich office under the guidance of Christian Knuevener and Christian Hübscher .

    Delving deep into refining AgileSPICE PAM and navigating industry challenges in implementing ASPICE in Agile environment. Empowered by the collective wisdom shaping the forefront of Agile excellence in Automotive by the industry experts sharing their experiences and knowledge. #AgileSPICE

    Enable agile development with Automotive SPICE 4.0.

    #AgileSpice is a bridge between #AutomotiveSPICE and agile development. It was an inspiring workshop with inspiring people and I’m glad to be part of this expert group.

    Let’s get in contact and talk about your experience :

    Stay tuned!

    #StefanReinhartConsulting #AutomotiveSPICE #PrincipalAssessor #ProblemResolutionManagement #munich #berlin #wolfsburg #stuttgart #software #process #quality #engineering #automotive #SeitzandReinhartConsulting

  • Change perspective

    Last weekend I was on a hiking trip. Some friends and I planned to climb a mountain in the Stubaier Alps. It is a 3180 meters summit and possibly it is already a challenge during summertime. Anyhow, we tried to make it with snow boots and to make a long story short we failed somehow.

    To be honest, to fail a target didn’t leave me any peace and I started thinking about failing. In our society we are strongly goal oriented. We measure success on the base if we reach our goals. And often, we put the goal above everything. Even more I found it difficult to cancel this goal and not to reach the mountain peak this time. Have I been unsuccessful?

    Well to be fair, the conditions were really bad. It was stormy weather, with poor view, at something below 0 degree Celsius temperature and an avalanche risk level of 2. If it would be only one difficulty, it would possibly be manageable. But with several elements, especially natural elements that work against the goal, it is something different.

    It made me think about good goals and it made me think about taking good decisions. It is never late to reflect the achievability of goals. Personally, I take decisions using the FOR DEC approach. It comes from aviation and means Facts, Options, Risks, Decision, Execution and Check. Reflecting the facts, the options and the risks it was a good decision to return and not to risk our lives.

    The last weekend taught me two lessons:

    1. Don’t put the goal above everything, it might lead to bad decisions.
    2. And don’t forget the team behind you, listen to all voices and make good decisions.

    Finally, the true goal was to have a refreshing weekend with some friends in the mountains. And I succeeded. I’m refreshed and ready for your project.

    Stay tuned!

    #StefanReinhartConsulting #AutomotiveSPICE #PrincipalAssessor #ProblemResolutionManagement #munich #berlin #wolfsburg #stuttgart #software #process #quality #engineering #automotive #SeitzandReinhartConsulting

  • Change Perspective with ASPICE 4.0

    Change Perspective with ASPICE 4.0
  • About the need of a Problem Resolution Process ..
  • When is a problem a problem?

    51! – This is the count of the word “problem” in the latest release of the Automotive SPICE® PAM v4.0. It seems to be important.

    Hence the question is, when is a problem a problem?

    Some characteristics of problems are specified in the PAM, such as submitter or critically. Anyhow, neither in the PAM nor in any dictionary, I could find an appropriate definition of the word “problem” and how it is differentiated from non-problematic things.

    In ASPICE assessments typically defect handling is shown for problem management. Well, a defect is something unwanted. It might cause problems to the usability of a function. Anyhow the nature of processes, is to ensure that all regular activities become unproblematic! So, how can a regular thing such as defects correction, become the reference for problem resolution management?

    Well, if you ever faced a showstopper defect a few days before SOP, I’m sure we would all consider this defect as a problem. While the malfunction itself is not the problematic element. It is the limitation of time, space or resources that makes the difference. And even further, the difference to all other defects is, the irregular element in this scenario.

    In terms of time and costs, companies and projects would take a lot of benefit from a process and a training, that enables teams to handle irregular situations, sovereign and autonomous! Personally, I recommend to have a kind of a “plan B” in the drawer and to never need it, rather than to need it but not to have it?

    Mind blowing reminder I found while I was writing this article: the Greek source of the word “próblēma” is the idea that a problem is easier to solve, if it is defined and described.

    Stay tuned!

    #StefanReinhartConsulting #AutomotiveSPICE #PrincipalAssessor #munich #berlin #wolfsburg #stuttgart #software #process #quality #engineering #projectmanagement #automotive #SeitzandReinhartConsulting #ASPICE